Josh Winning is the author of The Shadow Glass, Burn the Negative and Heads Will Roll. He is a senior film writer at Radio Times and has written for Total Film for over a decade. During his years as a film journalist, he has been on set with Kermit the Frog (and Miss Piggy), devoured breakfast with zombies on The Walking Dead, and sat on the Iron Throne on the Dublin set of Game of Thrones. Josh lives with his cat Penny and dreams of one day convincing Sigourney Weaver to yell “Goddammit!” at him.

Praise for Josh Winning

“Combining heart-in-mouth scares with a wicked sense of humor, Heads Will Roll explores how social media makes monsters of us all” 

 —Matt Glasby, author of The Book of Horror

“Burn the Negative is a creepy, twisty, compulsively readable haunted house of a book built from horror movies and our obsessive response to them. You’ll root for Laura and fear the Needle Man. Be sure to make the popcorn and dim the lights”

 — Paul Tremblay, author of A Head Full of Ghosts

“There’s a stirring sense of adventure, excitement, and terror running throughout … this is a treat for fans of the movies that inspired it” 

 — Publishers Weekly